Podcast: Economics & Beyond


The Master Algorithm

Mar 22, 2021

Tim O’Reilly, the founder of O’Reilly Media and author of the book, What’s the Future?, talks about how new technology can either be considered a scapegoat or a mirror and what this means for our future.


The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal

UMass Amherst professor and PERI Co-Director Robert Pollin discusses his latest book that he co-authored with Noam Chomsky

Feb 25, 2021


Changing the Conversation on the Climate Emergency

David Fenton, founder of the progressive PR firm Fenton Communications

Feb 22, 2021


Can Biden Successfully Govern?

Feb 18, 2021

American Prospect editor Robert Kuttner talks about how the faith in Democracy and in the state have suffered tremendously over the past two decades, how it can be restored, and what impact this loss of faith will have on the Biden presidency


Linear Relationship Between Money and Election Outcomes Continued in 2020

Feb 16, 2021

INET’s Research Director Thomas Ferguson discusses the latest analysis he and his colleagues have conducted of campaign spending in the 2020 election cycle. The result dispels the myth that money has lost significance and that Republicans were at a significant disadvantage.


Saikat Chakrabarti: Biden's Many Options for Creating Real Change

Jan 14, 2021

New Consensus president Saikat Chakrabarti talks about what Biden can do, even without Congress, to make a real difference in the lives of ordinary Americans


William Janeway: Government's Role in R&D and in Addressing Climate Change

Jan 11, 2021

University of Cambridge professor and INET co-founder William Janeway discusses the crucial role that government has always played in generating technological innovation, how this role has been diminished in recent years, and the problems this lack of attention will cause for the US in the near future


A History of the Nuclear Danger that the Military Industrial Complex Engineered

Dec 14, 2020

Famous whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg discusses his book, The Doomsday Machine, which chronicles the tremendous threat to humanity that US nuclear war planners deliberately considered and whose plans he was going to leak instead of the Pentagon Papers, had it not been for the Vietnam War. Part 1 of 3.


Challenging the Conventional Development Wisdom of Both the Left and the Right

Dec 10, 2020

Christopher Cramer and John Sender, authors of the book, African Economic Development: Evidence, Theory, and Policy, discuss their book (co-written with Arkebe Oqubay) and how economic policy needs to be rooted in flexibly responding to changing circumstances and consequences, instead of dogma. Link to a PDF version of the book: http://fdslive.oup.com/www.oup.com/academic/pdf/openaccess/9780198832331.pdf


Young Scholars Initiative: What Are the Most Important Economic Questions?

Nov 2, 2020

INET’s Young Scholar’s Initiative (YSI) is holding its third plenary conference this November, this time all online. However, unlike most online conferences, the 2020 YSI Plenary is a true workshop for young scholars to get to know each other and to identify the most important economic questions for the near future. Rob Johnson discusses the project with YSI’s coordinators Jay Pocklington, Heske van Doornen, and Thomas Vass.


Pavlina Tcherneva: The Many Benefits of a Jobs Guarantee

Oct 29, 2020

Pavlina Tcherneva, Associate Professor of Economics at Bard College, discusses her new book, The Case for a Jobs Guarantee, outlining why society would benefit tremendously from such a program.


Chen Long: Information Technology for a More Inclusive Development Strategy

Chen Long: Information Technology for a More Inclusive Development Strategy

Oct 7, 2020


Stephanie Blankenburg

Stephanie Blankenburg: $1 Trillion Debt Relief Needed for Developing World

Oct 5, 2020


Steve Clemons

Steve Clemons: Both Democrats and Republicans Sold Out Ordinary Americans

Oct 1, 2020


Dean Baker

Sep 28, 2020

Dean Baker, senior economist with the Center for Economic and Policy Research, talks about how geopolitical and economic tensions between the US and China benefit powerful elite sectors in the US, but are bad for working people.