The Green New Deal

An INET collection on the development (or non-development) of a Green New Deal to tackle the climate crisis


After the European Elections: Fiscal Policy is the Elephant in the Room

Jun 27, 2024

The most crucial issue in European policy, and one on which no big party campaigned and no important public discussion took place, was the fiscal policy stance for the next few years.


Re-orienting Global Finance Towards Ecological and Social Goals

Apr 11, 2022

UNCTAD Director Richard Kozul-Wright and Kevin Gallagher, Global Development Policy professor at Boston University, discuss their book, The Case for a New Bretton Woods. Ever since the post-war economic order was dismantled beginning in the 1980s, a re-design of the global economic order has become increasingly urgent in light of the social and ecological crises that we face.


A Sobering View of High Fuel Prices, Green Energy, and Biden’s Plans to Help Europe

Apr 6, 2022

Veteran researcher sheds light on what’s going on, how long the pain might last, and possible paths forward.


The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal

UMass Amherst professor and PERI Co-Director Robert Pollin discusses his latest book that he co-authored with Noam Chomsky

Feb 25, 2021


The EU’s Green Deal: Bismarck’s ‘What Is Possible’ Versus Thunberg’s ‘What Is Imperative’

Apr 2020

This paper considers the ambition, scale, substance and strategy of the European Union’s Green Deal


The EU’s Green Deal: Bismarck’s ‘What Is Possible’ versus Thunberg’s ‘What Is Imperative’ in the Age of Covid-19

Apr 1, 2020

What ails the EU Green Deal is exactly what troubles the Union in general — an absence of social democracy at work