Focus on the Global South
INET is invested in identifying the complex global interactions that influence poverty and development with a focus on strategies that have proven successful in promoting equitable growth, promoting capabilities, and reducing poverty.
Vikasarth 2022 Session 3: Industrialisation and the Case of Educated Unemployed
Thirty Years of Indian Economic Reforms: Assessing the Growth and Development of Kerala
5th Annual UNCTAD-YSI Summer School
The Dollar System in a Multi-Polar World
The multipolar financial world is here. The United States can survive it – but only with major political and economic changes at home. It’s time to start thinking about what those need to be.
China vs. West: New World Disorder
The Toronto Star journalist Joanna Chiu discusses her book, China Unbound: A New World Disorder, which argues that we need to go beyond the typical over-simplifications of democratic West versus autocratic China if we hope to engage China in a way that seriously addresses issues such as human rights, climate change, and economic development.