Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.
The Standard Economic Paradigm is Based on Bad Modeling
The New Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) is a straightjacket for macroeconomics
Cold Truth: The Texas Freeze is a Catastrophe of the Free Market
Texas’s electricity market “reforms” made the current crisis inevitable
Artificial Intelligence Could Mean Large Increases in Prosperity—But Only for a Privileged Few
Labor-saving advances in AI may undo the gains from globalization and pose new challenges for economic development
Mass Producing Covid-19 Vaccine
The Future of Macroeconomics
Developments in the real economy have persistently challenged central tenets of older economic thinking, such as the supposed close connection between the money supply and inflation.
4 Burning Questions on the Global Vaccine Rollout
Warnings of “corruption and incompetence coming together,” as economists William Lazonick and Öner Tulum study the race to end the pandemic.
Antitrust Spring
After years of amassing power, the tide is turning against the tech monopolies
The Promise and Limits of Carbon Pricing
Carbon pricing still has the potential to be a powerful tool contributing to emissions reductions, but it is clearly no panacea.
To Save the Economy, Save People First
Targeted Measures and Subsidies for Cost Effective COVID-19 Abatement
Mossadeck Bally, CEO Azalaï Hotels Group : « Le secteur privé africain doit faire partie intégrante des plans de relance économique »
Dans le cadre de cet entretien, Mr. Mossadeck Bally, C.E.O, Azalai Hotels Group et membre du GRAIN (Groupe de Réflexion, d’Actions et d’Initiatives Novatrices) revient sur les impacts économiques de la pandémie du COVID-19 sur son groupe hôtelier, le rôle du secteur privé malien dans le plan de relance économique, l’emploi des jeunes et les solutions qui doivent être apportées à la crise politique au Mali.