Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.
HES 2014: It made a happy man very old!
This year, the History of Economics Society (HES) meeting was organized at the University of Quebec at Montreal. The meeting was, on the whole, a nice affair, there were plenty of interesting sessions, I reconvened with old friends and was able to present there my latest work and receive constructive comments.
Post-Crash Economics
We Can Blog it!
Piketty and thinking about economics
There is a new economics rock-star touring the US by all accounts, and his name is Thomas Piketty.
Charles Babbage and the History of Innovative Thinking
The forthcoming Institute for New Economic Thinking conference will focus on innovation and its impact on economics and society. When we think about innovation we tend to imagine the future. But as with so many subjects in economics, it’s also useful to examine the past.