
Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.


Grexit: The Staggering Cost Of Central Bank Dependence

Jul 5, 2015

The ECB has decided to maintain its current level of emergency liquidity to Greece (ECB 2015). By refusing to extend additional emergency liquidity, the ECB has decided that Greece must leave the Eurozone. This may be a legal necessity or a political judgement call, or both. Anyway, it raises a host of unpleasant questions about the treatment of a member country and about the independence of the central bank.


​The rise of financialization has led to lower living standards and reduced growth in the U.S.

Jun 12, 2015

The last 30 years has seen a massive rise in the importance of financial instruments in the American economy. But what has been the impact of this shift in corporate investment strategy?