
Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.


Debt-driven Growth: The decade prior to the Great Recession

Jul 22, 2015

The recent financial crisis has impressively illustrated the dangers of rapid credit growth in a painful way.


Sinn Advises Greece to Reinstate the Drachma

Jul 6, 2015

It is time for Greece to make a daring leap and adopt its own currency, says Ifo President Hans-Werner Sinn. “The drachma should be introduced immediately as a virtual currency,” Sinn said in Munich.


Grexit: The Staggering Cost Of Central Bank Dependence

Jul 5, 2015

The ECB has decided to maintain its current level of emergency liquidity to Greece (ECB 2015). By refusing to extend additional emergency liquidity, the ECB has decided that Greece must leave the Eurozone. This may be a legal necessity or a political judgement call, or both. Anyway, it raises a host of unpleasant questions about the treatment of a member country and about the independence of the central bank.