
Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.


Rejoinder to Flassbeck and Lapavitsas

Jan 28, 2016

It is high time to ditch this myth for at least the following five reasons.


The Scientific Limits of Understanding Complex Social Phenomena

Dec 17, 2015

Since Aristotle the question about the potential relationship between economic inequality and democratic changes has been studied and debated – but scientifically our ability as researchers to assess and understand how such complex social phenomena may be related is much more limited than recognised.


The Gift of Deregulation

Dec 14, 2015

‘Tis the season to celebrate gift giving. But for big banks Santa Claus comes all the time, in the form of handsomely wrapped subsidies and subtly packaged regulatory nuances worth more more gold than the wildest dreams of the Three Wise Men.