
Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.


Crisis After Brexit: Let us put an end to the old Europe of denigrators

Jul 5, 2016

No, it’s not bureaucracy that is to blame - It’s the EU that has a problem, because urged by Germany it has pushed a kind of naive globalization, the outgrowths of which contribute to the upswing of dim-witted populists. Not only in the EU. Time for a new paradigm.


In Memoriam, Jack Treynor

Jun 20, 2016

Remarks at a memorial service for pioneering financial analyst Jack Treynor Memorial, MIT Chapel, June 19, 2016


Economists are Divided over Brexit

Jun 19, 2016

Some predict global economic catastrophe if Britain votes to leave the EU, others foresee a more limited set of consequences — and some see a telling trend in the public ignoring economists’ warnings