Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.
Rethinking Macroeconomic Theory Before the Next Crisis
While many countries throughout the world have faced severe financial crises over the last decades, and while the Japanese stagnation and the 1997 Asian financial crisis did induce some additional interest for the introduction of banking and finance in macroeconomic theory, it is only with the advent of the US subprime financial crisis that macroeconomic and monetary theories put forward by mainstream economists have started to be questioned.
Who Has Space for Renewables?
Monetary Policy in a Post-Crisis World: Beyond the Taylor Rule
We know about emergency lending, but what we are missing is the macroeconomic framework to guide a new rule for stabilization policy
European Ruling Highlights Apple's Corrupted Business Model
There is much for U.S. authorities to learn from the European example of forcing corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, but more far-reaching oversight of executives’ allocation of resources is also required