Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.

Eurocrisis Redux
Entangling alliances or entangling leagues are nothing to the entanglements of cash owing
Three Questions to Judy Klein
Fed, ECB balance sheet update
Professor Ponzi, or thinking about the methodology, the sociology and the economics of economics
Bank or no bank?

Why did the ECB LTROs help?
From a money view perspective, the central issue is settlement of TARGET balances between national central banks within the Eurozone, and the key is to understand TARGET balances as a kind of interbank correspondent balance.

Delicate balance
The current account still matters, but other things do too, and maybe more. In light of recent focus on gross flows, here and elsewhere, I want to argue for the language of the balance of payments.

The IMF and the Collateral Crunch
Why is the IMF getting involved in the Eurocrisis, and why is its involvement taking the form of lending to individual member states of the Eurozone?

We Are Greg Mankiw… or Not?
Liquidity, Public and Private

Does econ blogging open new conversations (part II): lessons from Mike Konczal, Noah Smith, Mark Thoma and Milton Friedman
The INET roundtable on “new conversations and the academy” took place a week ago. Most panelists were bloggers, including Mike Konczal from RortyBomb and Noah Smith from Noahopinion.

These dangerous postmodern relativists, Part I: Merchants of doubt
A recent e-mail conversation I had with Harro Maas concerning one of my latest drafts (shameless self-promotion) made me buy and read Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway’s, Merchants of Doubts.
Imagining a New Intro Economics
Economics in Uncertain Times
What's in a name?

Euro Summit Statement Explained
Okay, so here is the statement, but what does it mean? Felix Salmon offers an unnamed advisor’s flowchart. Let’s see if Money View thinking can do better.

NGDP target, in practice
Last week Goldman Sachs published a note in favor of the Fed’s adopting a formal nominal GDP target, while Fed-watchers caught a whiff of a possible change in policy in the works.
Nobel Prize Tasseology
Making Markets
The Price is wrong
First Liquidity, then Solvency

The Map Is Not the Territory: An Essay on the State of Economics
The reputation of economics and economists, never high, has been a victim of the crash of 2008.