Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.

Japan's Money Base Will Be 45% of GDP: US and UK is 19%-21%
Japan is going to double its money supply, according to today’s front page of the Financial Times (5 April 2013), and a salient question might be what we should compare that to. It sounds like a lot, but is it?
Meeting New Challenges in China

Russia to the Rescue of Cyprus?
There is a certain rich irony attached to the sight of corrupt Russian oligarchs now posing as liberal champions of the rule of law as they find themselves sucked into the maelstrom of Cyprus’s ongoing financial crisis.

How the Economic Quacks Promoting Austerity Will Increase the Deficit
Why all of the fuss about a nonexistent emergency?

Open to be open to be open…
INET has chosen the label “openness” to describe New Economic Thinking - “open” for other disciplines, for other methods, for other questions, for other interpretations, etc. It’s easy to hurrah.

2012: A Year in Review
INET researchers have continued their innovative work and are finding larger platforms and eager audiences for it.
Waste, waste, waste
Blending the Economy and Science
OMT: Slouching toward Eurobills?

Krugman and Stiglitz: Crazy Austerity Policies Inflict Untold Damage on Economy
Two Nobel laureates, an election, and a shaky economy. The message? We can do a whole lot better.

Welcome to Reading Mas-Colell!
The blog is intended for any student taking an advanced microeconomics course, any faculty member teaching such material, or indeed anyone interested in microeconomics and its role in the discipline.

The use of economists' biography, IV.
Excerpts from a draft introduction of Till Düppe’s and Roy Weintraub’s new book, under revision for Princeton University Press, presently carrying the working title “Finding Equilibrium: Arrow, Debreu, McKenzie and the Transformation of Economic Theory
A Quick One (Message to Naomi)
Sleepwalking with Heiner