
Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.


After the European Elections: Fiscal Policy is the Elephant in the Room

Jun 27, 2024

The most crucial issue in European policy, and one on which no big party campaigned and no important public discussion took place, was the fiscal policy stance for the next few years.


Are You Ready to Dive Deep into China's Intellectual Odyssey?

Apr 25, 2024

Wang Hui, author of The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought, now available in English, provides conceptual guidance for understanding China’s intellectual progress in a conversation with INET’s Lynn Parramore.


Renowned Political Scientist: Can We Really Save American Democracy?

Dec 19, 2023

In an exclusive interview, Benjamin Page discusses urgent reforms needed to tackle critical challenges, from undemocratic institutions to economic inequality.


After Poland’s Elections: Democracy and Keynesianism?

Oct 16, 2023

In accepting mass unemployment, post-communist governments and the democratic parties that constituted them removed the economic foundation for Poland’s democracy.