Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.
Towards a theory of shadow money
Struggles over shadow money today echo 19th century struggles over bank deposits.
What Happens When America’s Kids Confront Extreme Inequality?
A new film shows what economic apartheid looks like through the eyes of schoolchildren.
When Things Fall Apart
Democratic capitalism is an evolving system that responds to crises by radically transforming both economic relations and political institutions. The time for a new phase has come, regardless of whether “responsible” politicians are prepared to admit it.
Marcello de Cecco (1939-2016)
Three Questions with Matthew Desmond
HCEO’s new three-question series will regularly publish quick Q&As with members who will discuss their work, frontiers in the field of inequality that could use more knowledge, and advice for emerging scholars.
Are Economists in Denial About What's Driving the Inequality Trainwreck?
Today’s richest Americans may soon blow past the tycoons of the Roaring Twenties. Lance Taylor explains why, and what to do about it.
Let Them Drink Pollution?
The tragic crisis in Flint, Michigan, where residents have been poisoned by lead contamination, is not just about drinking water. And it’s not just about Flint. It’s about race and class, and the stark contradiction between the American dream of equal rights and opportunity for all and the American nightmare of metastasizing inequality of wealth and power.
The Gift of Deregulation
Renminbi to the Rescue?
How Economics and Race Drive America’s Great Divide
Can education stop the country’s backward slide?
The SDR is the Catalyst for China’s Currency Internationalization
There is a deeper story to be told about the inclusion of the Renminbi.
Will Spain Reject Austerity?
Printing Money
To Fix Inequality and Steady the Economy, Think Radically
Sometimes a radical path is the most practical way out of a mess.