
Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.


Can “It” Happen Again? Defining the Battlefield for a Theoretical Revolution in Economics

Feb 27, 2017

As part of our “Experts on Trial Series”, Antonella Palumbo argues for stripping away ‘scientific’ shibboleths that mask social and political choices


'People Have Had Enough of Experts'

Feb 6, 2017

As part of our ongoing symposium “Experts on Trial”, Professor Sheila Dow argues that if voters have grown contemptuous of economists’ expertise, that’s because economics has been misrepresented as a technical subject separate from politics and moral judgments


Is Inequality a Political Choice?

Feb 3, 2017

Research by INET-affiliated scholars shows the US lags far behind its peers on inclusive growth, suggesting inequality is not an inevitable consequence of globalization and technology


Ferguson: Monetary Policy Can't Levitate a Broken Economy

Jan 9, 2017

As part of an International Economy symposium, INET Research Director Tom Ferguson assessed the challenge facing central bankers through the lens of the missing virtues of Dorothy’s travel companions in the Wizard of Oz


America’s Failures of Representation and Prospects for Democracy

Jan 6, 2017

A concentration of wealth and power that created a twin crisis of representation — in politics, and in expertise — set the stage for Donald Trump’s election victory, and has put America’s founding principles at risk


Reality Check: What Economists Talk About When They Talk About the Chinese Economy

Dec 23, 2016

Beneath the heated political rhetoric over U.S.-China economic ties lies an increasingly complex reality


If CEO Pay Was Measured Properly, It Would Look Even More Outrageous

Dec 22, 2016

Research funded by the Institute for New Economic Thinking has revealed that the SEC reports executive compensation using a formula that routinely undercounts it


Older workers in Rust-Belt States have been economic losers since Reagan

Dec 6, 2016

Slight increases in national-average earnings for older workers mask long-run stagnation and decline in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – states that unexpectedly voted for Donal Trump


India: Demonetization and its Discontents

Nov 28, 2016

By suddenly eliminating two widely used bank notes, India’s government risks undermining public confidence in the basic means of exchange