
Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.


BRICS to Play a Leading Role in Driving Future Global Economic Growth

Apr 20, 2018

But the five countries must still support greater investment in other emerging and developing economies


Luigi Pasinetti on Disrupting Neoclassical Hegemony in Economics

Mar 20, 2018

The renowned economist reflects on the rise of neoclassical economics, the post-2008 surge of interest in non-mainstream, heterodox thought, and how young economists can remain independent in the face of biased evaluation systems


Stock Buybacks Hurt Workers and the Economy. We Should Ban Them.

Feb 27, 2018

Workers, innovation, and productivity all suffer when corporations spend their new U.S. tax breaks on stock buybacks.


A Note on the Gender Disparity in Quoted Experts

Feb 26, 2018

Why women experts are denied the same scholarly authority conferred to men, and what we should do about it


Why Big Firms No Longer Pay (Much) More

Jan 28, 2018

The corporate titans of yore once offered a sizable wage premium over smaller employers—but not anymore. What happened?


How Pseudoscientific Rankings Are Distorting Research

Jan 18, 2018

The shocking—but illustrative—example of how an Italian government agency concocted statistics to evaluate scholarship, hid them from the public, and masqueraded them as science. It’s a growing phenomenon


Enlightenment Then, Enlightenment Now

Oct 20, 2017

What can today’s economists learn from the 18th century Scottish thinkers who grappled with societal and economic change?