To foster new economic thinking, we host convenings that gather together a diverse community of thinkers from different fields, countries, and schools of thought.
INET Webinars & Events
Inclusive Development: Role of Employment and Environment
ConferenceInclusive development especially the role of employment opportunities in a changing world of work and the environment in envisioning inclusiveness
Global Inflation Today: What Is to Be Done?
ConferencePERI Conference, featuring INET Research Director Thomas Ferguson and INET Grantees
Emerging out of the COVID lockdown, inflation in the U.S. and globally has risen to the highest levels in 40 years. On December 2-3, PERI will host a conference to explore the causes of this global inflation spike. Conference participants will also provide critical perspectives on the austerity macroeconomic policies being implemented globally to control inflation and will propose alternative policies capable of managing inflation without imposing austerity and rising mass unemployment.
India: The Path to Sustained Growth for the Next Decade
ConferenceThe 5th edition of the Law Economics Policy Conference (LEPC) is jointly organized by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, INET and FLAME University.
Vikasarth 2022 Session 3: Industrialisation and the Case of Educated Unemployed 6:00pm-8:00pm IST
WebinarThirty Years of Indian Economic Reforms: Assessing the Growth and Development of Kerala
Vikasarth 2022 Session 2: Emigration, Consumption Boom and the Service Economy
Webinar6:00pm-8:00pm IST
Thirty Years of Indian Economic Reforms: Assessing the Growth and Development of Kerala
5th Annual UNCTAD-YSI Summer School
Challenges and Opportunities of a New International Economic Order
WorkshopThe 5th UNCTAD YSI Summer School provides an opportunity to explore the Challenges and Opportunities of a New International Economic Order. The school will bring together UNCTAD experts, academics, diplomats, and young scholars from across the globe for lively and stimulating intellectual debates.
Piketty: Quality of Life for Billions of People is at Stake
WebinarThomas Piketty discusses his new book: A Brief History of Equality
Can society continue its long-run trajectory and commit to institutional, legal, social, fiscal, and educational systems that can advance equality?
Young Scholars Initiative Early Career Days, Second Session
ConferenceAs young scholars we are confronted with many challenges: publishing, teaching, the job market, work-life balance and institutional barriers, often we face these demands alone and without much institutional or even moral support.
Vikasarth 2022 Session 1: Kerala’s Response to the Economic Reforms
Webinar6:00pm - 7:30pm IST
Thirty Years of Indian Economic Reforms: Assessing the Growth and Development of Kerala
This Week: INET Private Debt Conference 2022
ConferenceAgainst the backdrop of frequent calls for debt cancellation and reorganization, the Private Debt Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking is convening a conference on “Debt Restructuring” in New York City on Thursday, February 3rd and Friday February 4th, 2022, hosted by Richard Vague (Secretary of Banking and Securities, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania), Rob Johnson (INET President), and Moritz Shularick (INET Fellow).