To foster new economic thinking, we host convenings that gather together a diverse community of thinkers from different fields, countries, and schools of thought.
INET Webinars & Events
Institutional Responses to Financial Crises, 1870 to 2017 Webinar Series
DiscussionThe YSI Economic History Working Group and the YSI Financial Stability Working Group are hosting a webinar series on the “Institutional Responses to Financial Crises, 1870 to 2017”.
Financial Crises
ConferenceShadow Banks, Short-term Debt, and Structural Issues
The Volcker Alliance and the Institute for New Economic Thinking convened a group of influential thinkers for a half-day forum to discuss regulatory and structural changes needed to ensure the stability and resilience of financial markets.
Prosperity without Growth with Prof. Tim Jackson
DiscussionThe YSI Working Group on Economic Development, the Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre (GPERC) of the University of Greenwich, and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) would like to invite you to a talk by Professor Tim Jackson.
Tomorrow’s Detroits & Detroit’s Tomorrows
ConferenceRace & Economics
Economics has a race problem.
Piecing Together a Paradigm
YSI Plenary
ConferenceNew approaches are being developed, but efforts are fragmented and need to be brought together if we hope to piece together a paradigm.
'How much is Enough?' with Robert Skidelky
DiscussionThe epidemic extension of working hours and difficulty in maintaining work-life balance raises the question of the point of income and leisure satisfaction.
Secular Stagnation
DiscussionSecular Stagnation
Hosted by Secular Stagnation
Out of Ammunition? A discussion on central banking and secular stagnation with Larry Summers and Adair Turner
Law Economic Policy Conference
ConferenceThe National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) in collaboration with the Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET) are organizing India’s first “Law Economic Policy Conference (LPEC 2016)”. The aim is to bring together economic, legal and policy thinkers together to consider policy issues in a holistic manner.
Basel III and the Challenges of Banking Regulation
A webinar series organized by the YSI Financial Stability Working Group
DiscussionThe YSI Financial Stability Working Group will explore the changing nature of banking regulation. The series will look into the history of the Basel regulations, how they are conceived, and the challenges that are posed in their implementation.
Advanced Graduate Workshop in Development and Globalization
WorkshopThe Advanced Graduate Workshop in Development, led by Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz is interested in identifying the complex interactions that influence well-being, development and growth.