Debt Talks Episode 7 | The Case for Household Debt Relief

with Erica Jiang, Johnna Montgomerie, and Jialan Wang; moderated by Moritz Schularick

Apr 20, 2021 | 12:00 – 13:00 Download .ics


Large-sale debt relief for indebted households could be a game changer.

Debt Talks is an INET webinar series that brings together diverse voices to discuss one of the most pressing economic issue of our times: the surge in indebtedness. We host prominent thinkers, economists, historians, sociologists, journalists and finance professionals to talk about the rise of debt, the financial system, and their economic, social, and political dimensions. Each installment features a lively panel presentation followed by Q&A.

In this episode we will discuss the arguments for large-scale debt relief for indebted households, its distributional effects, and its potential role in stabilizing the economy. Additionally, we will consider how COVID debt-relief initiatives fit into the larger picture of household indebtedness, debt-driven growth, and will discuss what we have learned about the economic effects of debt restructuring.

To Be Discussed

    • What have we learned about household debt relief and its economic effects and side-effects?
    • How effective is it to provide relief to households who need it most?
    • How do COVID debt-relief initiatives fit into the larger picture of household indebtedness and debt-driven growth?
    • How is the situation in other countries?

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    Meet the leaders and scholars whose new thinking guides our work. View all speakers

    • Erica Xuewei Jiang

      Assistant Professor of Finance and Business Economics, University of Southern California, Marshall

    • Johnna Montgomerie

      Head of the Department of European & International Studies & Professor of International Political Economy, Kings College London

    • Jialan Wang

      Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    • Moritz Schularick

      INET Fellow & Grantee, INET