Basel III and the Challenges of Banking Regulation

A webinar series organized by the YSI Financial Stability Working Group

Jul 8–Sep 9, 2016 Download .ics

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The YSI Financial Stability Working Group will explore the changing nature of banking regulation. The series will look into the history of the Basel regulations, how they are conceived, and the challenges that are posed in their implementation.


Time: We meet every Friday at 11 am ET / 4pm GMT / 5pm CET.

Week 1: History of the Basel Committee, Basel I and II

July 1st, 2016

Format: discussion

Week 2: Conception of Basel III (principles and guidelines)

July 8th, 2016

Aim: Understand in which way Basel III was conceived and whether the rules meet its goal (making banks more resilient to shocks). Understand the theory backing Basel III and the political realities (political compromises)

Format: discussion


Week 3: Criticism of Basel III from a micro(prudential) perspective

July 15th, 2016

Aim: Does Basel III make banks effectively more resilient?

Format: speaker + Q&A


Week 4: Criticism of Basel III from a macro(prudential) perspective

July 22th, 2016

Aim/question: does Basel III enhance financial stability? to what extent?

Format: speaker + Q&A

References: When micro prudential puts macro prudential at risk?

Week 5: Implementation in Europe: regulation, implementation & challenges

July 29nd, 2016

Aim: learn how Basel III was implemented in Europe and what are the challenges regulators faced in that implementation (namely, harmonization across national prudential authorities). Learn about EBA, ESRB and SSM.

Format: speaker + Q&A

Week 6: Implementation in the USA: regulation, implementation & challenges

August 5th, 2016

Aim: learn how Basel III was implemented in the USA.

Format: speaker + Q&A


Week 7: Implementation in the USA vs. EU

August 12th, 2016

Aim: comparison between US and EU implementation

Format: discussion


Week 8: Implementation in emerging markets and small open economies

August 19th, 2016

Aim: discuss how Basel III is implemented in EME countries and the challenges they face given underdeveloped financial markets

Format: discussion


Week 9: Implementation in emerging markets and small open economies

August 26th, 2016

Aim: discuss how Basel III is implemented in those countries and what are the challenges they face given underdeveloped financial markets etc etc

Format: speaker + Q&A


Week 10: Financial and economic impact of Basel III

September 2nd, 2016

Aim: Discuss the impact of Basel III on banks, financial sector and the overall economy.

Format: speaker + Q&A


Week 11: Open discussion on Basel III

September 9th 2016

Aim: Make a summary of what we learned, and perhaps make an overview of other on-going bank regulation such as bank separation and bail-in.

Format: discussion